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AppStore Video
Australia: How do I deactivate Touch Voicemail?
Change your Password
Create an account
Customer Survey Terms & Conditions
Does it cost me money?
During sign up I got an error when I activated - why?
General App Info
Getting your first message
How can I make Hi Voicemail faster?
How do I add my own Greeting?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I cancel my Touch Voicemail subscription with Apple?
How do I delete greetings or locations?
How do I delete messages or mark them as read/unread?
How do I get messages to show names not numbers?
How do I play messages through the earpiece?
How do I remove Touch Voicemail and reactivate my carrier Voicemail?
How do I revert to my old voicemail?
How do I setup Touch Voicemail forwarding?
How does Hi voicemail work?
How many Greetings can I have?
How many messages can I have?
How quickly should my messages download?
I am travelling abroad - what should I do?
I can't record a greeting via the Mic
I have lost the activation contact
I want to stop using Touch Voicemail?
I'm having trouble using Hi Voicemail in my car
I'm not receiving Voicemails - is there a problem?
I'm on a Prepay (pay-as-you-go) Mobile plan
Location based greetings
New Zealand: How do I Deactivate Touch Voicemail?
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Send Voicemails to Email
Set and Create New Greetings
Some trouble getting activated during sign up
Terms & Conditions
Terms of use
Traveling Overseas
UK: How do I reactivate my carrier voicemail?
UK: Three network reactivate carrier voicemail by calling 333
Upgrading my Mobile
USA: Deactivation code not working
USA: How do I revert to my carrier voicemail?
Vodafone NZ GSM forwarding not working
What are the steps to Activate my Touch Voicemail?
What do you get with the paid PRO version?
What does it mean "Internet is currently poor"?
What does it mean "working offline"?
What happens if I change mobile provider?
What if I travel overseas?
What is the difference between FREE and PRO?
Whats the best way to use locations?
Who is behind Touch Voicemail?
Who is Hi Voicemail?
Why am I not getting messages?
Why am I not getting Voicemail Notifications?
Why doesn't Hi work on Prepay or Pay-as-you-go plans?
Why is my voicemail call forwarding not working?
Why is the volume not coming out when I play messages?
Wifi Calling
Will Hi voicemail work with my carrier and plan?